Advice to my Niece the Graduate

Gelly the Graduate! While I was vacationing in San Diego this June for my niece Angelica's graduation, I pondered on what to write about. I wanted to impart some wisdom to her from her Crazy Uncle Marc. What could I say which she would appreciate? At her graduation party, I had already told her how proud of her I was. How I enjoyed so much watching her grow up, becoming a responsible young adult, graduating with honors, and receiving her diploma! There needed to be something more... The next day, I was in San Diego's Balboa Park enjoying a morning to myself wandering around the gardens, studying the architecture, all the while trying to allow my thoughts and ideas to come together through my surroundings. NOTHING. LOL. I sat outside the Botanical Gardens watching koi fish lazily swim to and fro. I got out my laptop and realized my laptop was dead! Argh!!! I forgot to check the battery! I was getting nowhere fast. I decided I'd grab a quick beer in the Prado Resta...