My faithful readers, I wanted to introduce you to two blogs that I highly recommend.  The first is a blog by a well established blogger who has been blogging for many years, since 2005.  The second, by a young travel blogger who also happens to be a good friend and family member.  Her excitement and thirst for travel writing leaves me inspired for my own blog.

The first is written by a friend and former classmate Thomas Lobascio. Tom's blog is "The Last Reel," .   Tom blogs, as he puts it perfectly "about movies so that you don't have to. I will post industry news and opinion."  Tom writes reviews and posts trailers for the hottest up coming movies that you have heard about and a lot that you have not heard about but will be happy you now know.  Tom is an incredible blogger. I wish I posted as many articles as he does!  The information, posters, and trailers show an impressive up to date knowledge of what is being currently released in the movie industry! 

The second blog is written by my cousin Diane Condon.  Her blog is "The Road to Bacon," .  Diane and I met and realized we were fellow bloggers when I visited my brother in the beginning of June this year. We immediately connected and I feel I have found a good friend for life!  Diane is documenting her travels up the West Coast through California, Oregon, Washington, possibly Vancouver, Utah, and then finally onto Colorado to watch her nieces show their pigs at the Archuleta County Fair. Hence the blog name, "The Road to Bacon." :o)  Very cute name.

This is Diane's 1st large scale blog under the name "Thequestforps" for Travel Pods website: .  Check out Diane's travel blog for a refreshing view of a single 20 something traveler exploring the world.  Soon, she will be off to Europe and be blogging about that as well! It will make you wish and yearn for adventures of your own. PLUS, she includes some pretty awesome pictures and videos.  Diane posts pictures how I feel a travel blogger should: some artistic, some touristy, and all are fun and give the reader a great oversight of her experiences during her travels.

Fellow writers/bloggers share a sort of kinship. We want to "share" our views with you, the reader. These two bloggers are dedicated to their blogs. I would appreciate it and of course so would they, if you check out and support their blogs. Thanks!


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