A Vegetable Dip with a Kick!

Kitchen hint: I have memories of Mom tearing up from chopping onions and us kids just laughing and laughing at her. We knew how to push her buttons. She would then start laughing and be crying at the same time. It is one of those kitchen memories which stick with you and you just smile and chuckle to yourself every time you think of it. I never said I was an easy kid to live with. Anyway, to prevent crying from cutting raw onions, several websites online state to place the onion in the freezer for 10 minutes before slicing.Check out the Ehow.com website as an example! This will prevent sulfides from being released when you chop up that onion. These pesky sulfides are what cause your eyes to water. I have tried this and it actually helps, although personally I feel crying while chopping onions is a right of passage for any home cook. It also brings me back to that great memory of my Mom in the kitchen. Mom's recipe card, SO 1970's! Every on...