
Showing posts from April, 2016

I Lost the Starbucks Name Game

BART So a while back, I went to a Starbucks at the tail end of a head cold, just wanting some good coffee. I placed my order and the barista asked my name. I said Marc and in her cheerfully effervescent voice, she exclaimed my drink would be right up and to pick up my coffee at the end of the counter. I went down to that area and waited. I picked up my coffee and on my cup was written "Bark."  YUP, as in tree BARK. Like someone would be named BARK?? Wouldn't you even question it??? Like, "Sir, did I hear you correctly, is your name Bark?"  I mean i know I had a very stuffed nose and my "M'"s sounded like "B'"s but geesh! Way to give a guy a complex!! I guess I should be happy she got the "K" on the end, even though it's actually a "C". Another Starbucks, another coffee and on my cup was written "Bart."  There is NO "T" in my name!!! UGH! BERT Fast forward to a week ago and ...

PROPs to Those at the Gym!

The other day, I saw an internet meme about the gym. It basically stated that the next time you go to the gym and make fun of someone overweight who is working out, you should realize that at least they are there making an effort. We shouldn't bash someone for trying! The newbies at the gym are (at the very least) realizing that they need to be healthier and doing something about it. And we should all be supporting each other whether it's doing the 50 day push-up challenge, day '1' at the gym or day '365'!! I have realized that this should also apply when I sometimes see someone walking very slowly on the treadmill or moving slowly on the elliptical machine. I don't know what their health issues are or their training capacity is. I need to give them props for just being there. When I had my surgery in December 2015, I took 4 weeks off from the gym. I got back into it slowly. I didn't want to overlift or overdo it with cardio for fear of (ICK) rippi...