August Thoughts on COVID Weight Gain

"Tailored Fit? Not for us mmmLarges!" It has been a crazy several months, hasn't it? As I stated last month, I have gone through my share of ups and downs. After discussing it with people, I realize that a lot of us are in the same place. We feel like we are in a low point in their lives. How are we dealing with it? How can we can out of it? Commiseration definitely helps. So does some humor. First things first, I am looking at a website and wanted more info emailed to me. To prove you are not a robot, you have to go through a security test of picking those pictures with cars, boats, stop signs, traffic lists etc. Know these? Yeah, it seems pretty easy but NOT. Am I the online one with has trouble with this stupid test? I see something sticking out from the boat and think, should I include that? Is it going into another picture block? In fact is that EVEN a boat? After further observation, I conclude that it is in fact NOT a boat and is a car carrier loaded with 4-door s...