The Third Act: Refocus

"Baxter State Park, Maine" What shall be my third act? Or what shall it become? Sure, one can guide one's life, but you never truly know what will happen. I had so many plans 3 plus decades ago. Most of which never came to fruition. One may think it's frivolous and a waste of time to try and figure out what I am going to do for the next 2-3 decades but you can still guide your life in a direction which brings you love, good friendship, integrity, respect and satisfaction. You all know me, I'm just being my normal perhaps overly reflective self. π My first act was childhood, school and my 20s. I lived my second act through my 30s and 40s. The third act will hopefully include Maine and making plans with the Big Ragu for the next two decades. Who knows after that? I do know that I want to become empowered with the decades that I have left. Forgive me for the overtones of one's mortality. You notice I have not called it my FINAL act. And there may perhaps be a ...