Time Continues On For Dad

"Dad Enjoying himself Reading"

As streaks of rain beat across my office window, I watched the storm clouds roll by this morning. Then I noticed something interesting, the clouds were moving East to West, in the opposite direction. That's odd, I thought. They were moving rather quickly as well. Then I remembered the remnants of Hurricane Ida were moving through the area. This must be one of the bands of rains and winds passing through Allentown.

I thought about my father and wished I could turn back time just as quickly as those clouds were moving East to West. How wonderful would that be, to have him younger and spry, once again ready to fight off the never ending gophers in his yard, to producing art in his studio as he once did, to be attending art events to his heart's content.  

Now my Dad sits contently in his living room, listening to opera, sipping wine, stealing sips of my beer, reading articles and short stories or looking at art books. When we went out and I had to make a quick run into a store, Dad chose to sit in the car and people watch. Make sure you leave on the classical music! he'd request. 

I'm aware that he may have sat in the car because of the pain he was in from his knee, but most times he didn't let on. But I knew it was there. But maybe it was just his love of the opera and people watching! His choice, and he made it. 

We went to the Redwood Arts Association where he used to be president and now is a board member EMERITUS. Such an honor! People we ran into pretty much bowed to him. In the Humbolt County arts community, he as an artist and arts supporter and educator is THAT revered. I am so so honored that I am his son. 

He has lived a life well lived and continues to do so, of course with some of the necessary changes and issues of an elder life. I call him well seasoned. He laughs each time at that joke. 

I laughingly tell him I am preforming stand up live Monday through Friday and he is my biggest fan. He laughs at this as well. I can always count on that, him laughing at my bad jokes. It makes me smile in return.

I had a wonderful visit seeing him this past weekend. Just left me beaming. He said how proud he was of Adam, Sheryl and I. I was brought to tears on more than one occasion. We had some wonderful discussion as well. Just recapping our lives.

I gave him a book to borrow and read, Marcel Duchamp, the Afternoon Interviews.  It was an in-depth book about the Surrealist artist Marcel Duchamp, his philosophies, views and ideas of art. Dad read it in one day. He was so captivated. I watched him reading it, just enjoying himself. Sometimes, raising his head and telling me how much so. Again, he was just so captivated, and I as his son and the bearer of this gift, was just so so happy.

My 90 year old father, my hero, my wisdom, my pillar. Just enjoying something I had given him to read over a long period of time. Was reading it....in one day. Again, it brought me to tears... tears of Joy. 

What an incredible gift. 

Later, I went for a walk through the Redwoods with Mom Martha, my stepmom. We've reached such a wonderful point in our relationship. Just open, honest, and frank. It's always been there I think, but this trip, so apparent and appreciated. We came back to the house and Dad was holding court with three rambunctious dogs in the driveway. 

Martha and Marc in the Redwoods! 

Dad was shuffling towards the house with his cane and I saw it clearly. Not negatively but just clearly. He was now at the age of Grandpop, his father, Leslie Haynes. He looked quite like him. I smiled proudly. Dad still dressed to the nines each day. 

That afternoon, there my father sitting on the couch. Perfectly buttoned up shirt, pants, and shoes. I remember my grandfather Leslie used to garden in his button down, slacks and tie even in 90 degree Colorado heat! I was amazed. Maybe its a generational thing but I was impressed. Here Dad sat proudly, dressed for the day. Again, the smile on my face just beamed. 

What a wonderful visit. I am scared there won't be more than a handful of them left, me being on the opposite coast. Planning at least one trip next year to the West coast but want to make two. It's worth it. Just to see how happy he is to see me and of course to laugh at my lame jokes. 


  1. God bless him! He looks great. You father is such an interesting fellow and so down to earth. I haven't seen him in 30 years. This post was very nice and introspective. Loved it!

  2. What a heartwarming story. God bless your dad


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