
Showing posts from January, 2017

Online Political Convo? I'll Pass...

As a regular blogger, I am attached by way of email or username to many popular social media websites. I use most of them to promote my blog. Some I just connect to as an observer. My good friend from college, Sharon posted a question on her Facebook page asking how many did we participate in and I was shocked when mine added up to more than 10! In this day and age, if I want to develop an online presence and following, it is necessary to try and be involved promoting yourself through various social media websites. Some though, such as SoundCloud, I listen to for the music. I do most of my blog promotion on my Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. With everything seemingly online, all of my sites are just a click away. If someone likes my taste in music, maybe they will check out my blog or my tweets and vice versa. I tend to think of my overall online presence as rather vanilla though. I'll be the first to admit, I don't often get involved in controversial t

Resolutions I Will NOT Keep

Possible New Year's Resolutions... Over the years resolutions have come to annoy me. People (including myself) write a list of things that they want to accomplish or complete in the following year. Some superficial (lose 25 pounds, buy that car), some pretty deep (be a better parent, child, etc). Some silly (eat less chocolate), some kinda serious (keep in touch with family).  I would diligently write my list, placing it in the interior cover of my yearly planner and then forget about it until the end of the year. I found that some resolutions I would do without even checking the list, like going through old clothes on a rainy day. Many would ultimately just be transferred over to the next year's list. The only ones I really kept were practicing a healthier lifestyle, working out, and petting the cats more. The others, like learn a new language, completing the yard work, learn to like children etc, seemed to not happen year after year. It occurred to me that t

Discovering Roasted Cauliflower!

For my little Christmas Eve Open House, I channeled Mom Abby and put out a traditional crudite' platter of veggies along with her recipe for a spiced up veggie curry dip. It kicked ass! Check out my Mom's recipe and subsequent blog post on that: Recipe: Italian-style Roasted Cauliflower Long story short: I cut up enough vegetables for an army but I barely invited a troop! LOL. What to do with all those veggies? There aren't enough vegetarians in the world. Now I knew I could do a stir fry with a bunch of them but I still had a ton of broccoli and a head of cauliflower larger than a butter ball turkey! SERIOUSLY. So I did some research online because I decided I wanted to try something different than just steaming the cauliflower. Now I'm health conscious but I had definitely eaten my fill of raw veggies. Somewhere through the last couple years I remembered seeing a recipe for roasted ca