Cleaning Out Social Media

Sleepy morning and definitely a questionable pic! LOL It is with great irony that the morning I write this blog post, I opened up my Facebook page to see Facebook congratulating me on being a member for 10 years. WOW. I remember I joined mainly to try and facilitate my 20th class reunion back in Fall 2008. Now 10 years later, my 30th reunion is around the corner and I am beginning to promote that reunion as well. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Social media is definitely a double edged sword. I use Facebook at this point as a tool to promote my blog. I would not have as many readers if I didn't have it. My blog is personal, but I choose and select what I write about. But I find myself being more selective on what I post on my social media sites. I have begun limiting my personal info out there. And now, we have the latest scandal of Facebook where Facebook allowed the company Cambridge Analytica to illegally obtain the data of 50 million users wi...