Baby Goats and a Sweet Summer Evening!

Marc and baby Cassie This has been a year in the making. I am now a MAINER, driver’s license and all. I moved up to Maine in October of 2023, eight months ago. I love it. It’s been an emotional and physical journey. That’s a normal thing moving and it’s has been the most difficult thing the myself and the Big Ragu have experienced to date. We are getting through it though! I love my new state. My rambling Victorian farmhouse is incredible, just beautiful. 15 Gardiner St, the former Gardiner family home, has become a HOME in every sense of the world. I feel comfortable and relaxed here. Long days are ended by a cocktail on the long side porch with a nice cigar and a side of bug spray. LOL I have had trials and tribulations during the first 8 months here. I’ve stepped on local toes (given apologies where warranted), bought bud lite (given looks and I’ve said I don’t give a fuck where it’s warranted), accidently insulted the French Acadians of Northern Maine (apologized at my acceptab...