A couple of my favorite photos by famous photographers
A new segment in my blog will be photos, architecture, sculpture, and artwork that I have studied, admired, or just been blown away by! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. ***I do not own these photographs and are just displaying them for educational purposes. Man Ray "Tears" 1930 I have always been in love with the Surrealist photographer Man Ray. This is one of my all time favorites. Dorthea Lange "Destitute peapickers in California; a 32 year old mother of seven children, February 1936" 1936 I always felt the mother in this photograph looked so worn out, so sad, without hope. It conveys such feelings of struggle and emotional exhaustion. Charis Wilson "Nude" 1936 I love the angularity of the woman's body in this photograph. Robert Mapplethorpe "Grace Jones" 1988 I love this picture by Mapplethorpe. Grace Jones has such a haunting look about her. I particularly like her eyes.