A friend's memory of my Mom

A close family friend recounted a memory of her's of my Mom that I wanted to share. She passed it onto my sister and I leaving us both the other week in tears (good tears though, missing our Mom.) Even though we are going on 2 years on April 10th, it still seems like yesterday that she passed away. It was was such a special and nice memory that I wanted to share it with you.

She wrote, "I'm going into the hospital for a routine procedure today. While I was getting ready, a vision of your mom popped into my head. I don't know exactly when it was. I was in late high school or early college. Your mom was in the hospital overnight for something and we went to visit her. I remember thinking "How can she be in the hospital and look this good?" I can *still* see her frosted pink nails; her face and hair were done to perfection. She could have jumped out of bed, put on a ballgown, and been good to go."

That was my Mom. She always looked beautiful and always had such a positive attitude when it came to herself and life. She always encouraged us to live life to the fullest. I often would complain to her that I didn't have time to do this or that because I had to do the household chores. She would say to me, "Marc, where is the laundry or cleaning gonna go? It will be there tomorrow. Enjoy yourself, you can clean tomorrow." 

Other times I would tell her I was going to see my sister Sheryl in Philly or my brother Adam in San Diego. Afterwards, she always wanted to know ALL about our visits, right down to the last detail. There were weeks she would live vicariously through her children. No detail was too small for her. She beamed about us kids getting together so often. She would tell me, "I am SO glad you are close with your brother and sister.  Do you need any money?"  Of course I said yes, being the little devil my Mom knew me to be, and Mom would slip me a twenty with a hug and a kiss.


  1. What a nice story. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Marc - it's such a special gift when someone gives a remembrance of your mom. I was at a high school reunion once and a girl from grammar school came up to me and asked about my mom. When I told her my mom had passed, she said she was sorry, then she said "you know - your mom was the only one who really made me feel welcome" I was blown away that after 30 years, this girl carried that around and found the courage to tell me. Remember the good times and the gems like the one your friend gave you. They will get you through the tough spots.

  3. Bette, what a wonderful memory as well. Thank you so much for sharing. :)


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