A Great Proverb about Strong Women

When I was out in San Diego, I discovered a couple awesome things about my Mom. After over 8 years since she passed, I think it's such a blessing when I learn something new. The first thing I learned (I mentioned it in my previous blog) was that my Grandpop Newman called my Mom "Goldilocks" as a child. My Mom's hair was golden blonde. My sister Sheryl recounted this memory for me as well as My Grandpop bestowing her, next, with the nickname "Goldilocks". I love that memory.
The other thing I found out was from  my niece Angelica. During my recent trip out there, one evening we had a great convo about the tattoos which we want done. I was about to get my Sailor Jerry style tattoo honoring my Mom and I excitedly asked her what she wanted for her first tattoo. She confidently showed me the quote below, which I immediately loved. I asked her where it came from and she said that Nana, my Mom, used to quote it to her often in a postcard or two and sometimes when she visited.
There are things you already know about your mother and then there are things that you learn later on which perhaps ... you already knew deep down inside. There were times that I sensed my mother's unhappiness. But she held herself together with true strength and dignity. She had the most positive outlook and always felt things would be OK and work out. She was just so so positive for her children, Sheryl, Adam, and I, if not for the person who needed that the most, herself.
I needed that reminder and I can't tell you how much I admire my Mom for that. One day soon I will tell my niece the specifics of how this quote applied to her Nana's life. Until then, my niece has chosen an awesome quote given to her by her Nana for a first tattoo. 


"She is clothed with Strength and Diginity and she laughs without Fear of the Future."  - Proverbs 31:25


  1. This just gave me chills and my eyes filled with tears. I love that this is the thought she has passed to her granddaughter. Your mom must have been a beautiful person.

    1. Every Mom is the best and ours was no exception! :) Thanks Christine. XO.

  2. Wooooow, this was a special blog. Luv u bro...... Big Sis

    1. Thanks Sis Sher. I knew you'd love it as well. Love you too. ;)

  3. What a marvelous saying, full of wisdom to pass on... and it's wonderful that your niece chose to memorialize it in a tattoo. Jack


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