Endorsement: Chobani Yogurt
(SOURCE) I love Chobani Yogurt ! Chobani is a Greek yogurt with great flavor that comes in several varieties. It is perfect for a quick breakfast or snack. Let me just start off by saying that when I grew up, I hated yogurt. Never a fan. But as I got older, I "grew" into yogurt and eventually liked it. I never thought in a million years though that I would develop a taste for Greek yogurt! Out of the several brands on the market, Chobani is definitely my favorite brand. Greek yogurt has a different flavor and texture than regular yogurt. It is creamier, heavier, and more indulgent. I feel it has a tangy flavor about it. It's definitely an acquired taste. If you are just beginning to include Greek yogurt in your diet, you might want to try one of the flavored ones first. It may be a little easier to handle on your palate. Some people compare it to sour cream. I don't think it is that sour, just tangy. (SOURCE) Chobani has several flavors: Plain...